UX Portfolio Journey
Goal: Increase engagement with the consumer with our services and products (Travel industry)
Key Questions :
What behaviors or barriers consumer face while planning to travel, while traveling and their view on travel insurance.
Identifying the consumer pain points and needs pre-travel, while and post traveling.
And… Off we gooooo
We went out in the wild to survey our consumers
We set multiple choice questions as well as open ended questions to understand their traveling habits as well as incidents and inconveniences while they travel. To get a better survey demographic, we went to the airport, small business districts as well as university campuses.
Multiple rejections and cold shoulder later, we got enough responses and back to the office!
Crunch time…
Upon tallying up the responses, one valuable insight that we gain was that most of our participants in our survey heavily rely on internet access while trying to solve a situation that they are in, and route planning on where to go about during their travels.
Tabulating responses and insights we gained and back to the drawing board!
Enter the value proposition canvas…
Customer Profile Fit
We classified based on survey data and ideas into 3 categories, customer gains, pains and jobs.
Gains- What customer will potentially be able to gain from the possible service we are going to provide
Pains- The potential problems customer will face as well as a problems with a probable service we are providing
Jobs- What the customer is able do and feel with our probable solution
Tick and X markers are what we can or cannot achieve based on our current limitations.
Value Proposition Box
Based on the business model canvas, we segmented our hypothesized solution into 3 categories, Gain Creators (Blue), Pain Relievers (Blue) and Product and Services (Yellow). In each box, we placed the features of the solution in these categories.
Behold… Our proposed solution
We build up a website of our proposed solution, using google analytics to track actions on our website, Hotjar to monitor on the way people navigate and respond to our website.
Facebook ads were used to bring potential consumers to our site and we targeted audiences based on certain behavioral patterns as well as in the age range of 18-40.
To measure on how keen the user is to the product, we added an drop us your email tab for them to subscribe if they are keen on the development or interested in the product in general. Upon subscription, the users will then receive an email, thanking them of their interest as well as informing them that the website is meant of research purposes and their data will not be kept at the end of the research.
So… What have we learnt?
From the experiment site, we learnt that there is a big group of users that are keen on this product. I would have loved to continue on this project to find out what would happen next on this adventure. However, my time at this internship have came to an end, as I received my timetable for my upcoming modules.
My UX journey does not stop here!
Thank you for dropping by to read this🤘